Our NFTs

Altur NFTs are coming soon! More information relating to our NFTs can be found by scrolling through this page or by checking out our social media accounts at @Alturearth

Road Map

There is no plan B, we’re in this for the long haul. As we scale out our organization, we plan to increase the complexity and outreach of our projects as well as give more back to the community who make it all possible. Thank you for taking the time to investigate our plan to help change the world!

  • Phase 1 – Pre-Mint
    Part 1: Establishment:
    Website and NFT collection are fully developed. Media accounts continue to evolve and promote the organization, the adoption of Web3, and the movement toward a sustainable world.
    Part 2: Marketing:
    Implementing our aggressive marketing plan to increase exposure and demand for our NFTs. Our organization will use its vast network of contacts to maximize the effectiveness of our months-long advertising campaign.
    Part 3: Whitelist:
    Whitelist spots will be up for grabs. Spots will be available via our discord.
    Part 4: Giveaways:
    Merch and NFT giveaways will be accessible to people in the Altur community discord.
  • Phase 2: Initial Launch & Utilities:
    Our NFT project launch date will be announced and available during our advertising campaign over the coming months.
    Part 1: Utilities List:
    Altur NFT owners, or temporary holders, will have access to a list of utilities including but not limited to giveaways, access to community gatherings and events hosted in popular locations, the opportunity to network with professionals and experts, the actual NFTs themselves and most importantly the opportunity and ability to help planet Earth through the purchase of an Altur NFT.
    Part 2: $5,000 giveaway:
    5 NFT holders will win $1000 after all of our NFTs are sold out
    Part 3: Community Celebration:
    All holders of Altur NFTs are invited to join us in an exclusive access celebration of our collection's success and to further promote our first project. A party will be hosted in a popular major city, the location will be voted on by holders.
    Part 4: Intellectual Property:
    Anyone who mints an Altur NFT is given ownership and commercial usage rights of their specific NFT
  • Phase 3: Project Time!
    Part 1: Philanthropic/Charitable First Project:
    The money generated from the sale of our NFTs will be used to fund our first project to give back. The details of our first project and all project utilities available will be revealed during our advertising campaign.
  • Phase 4: Organization Sustainability and Events
    Part 1: Events In Between Projects:
    In-person events will be held for exclusive members only. Collaborative mastermind events will be organized with many influential people and companies involved with sustainability, NFTs, Web3, the ecological movement, investing, etc. in popular locations such as Miami, NYC, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, etc. Holders will be able to vote on upcoming events.
    Part 2: Organization Sustainability Between Projects
    We will allocate 5% of royalties to a community fund for marketing expenses, future giveaways, drops, events, potential Metaverse developments etc. All owners of Altur NFTs will be invited to get together at an event hosted by Altur to vote on how we should spend this money.
  • Phase 5: Do It All Over Again
    Part 1: Repeat
    We plan to sell out NFT collections to fund projects for a long time, each time with a larger community backing. Our planet is in desperate need of help, and our organization wants to be part of the help implementing solutions for years to come.


How It Works

We dont believe it's fair to assume that everyone knows what an NFT is, so we won't assume you know how to buy one either. Below you'll find some important and relevant information for buying our NFTs. For more, check out the FAQ sections found at the bottom of our pages

You’ll need to have a crypto wallet

Sometimes referred to as a blockchain wallet, crypto wallets are used to buy and hold the money necessary for purchasing NFTs as well as the NFTs themselves . Below you'll find popular wallet examples and links to their websites where you can find more information.

This is not investment advice or an advertisement in any way. We advise doing your own research before setting up a digital wallet or buying a digital asset of any kind.

Next you'll have to go to opensea.io, connect your wallet directly on their site, and search for our collection

Discover, collect, and sell extraordinary NFTs

OpenSea is the world's first and largest NFT marketplace



1What is an NFT?

An NFT, or Non-Fungible Token, sometimes even referred to as financial security, stores digital data on the blockchain. In Layman’s Terms, an NFT is a valuable digital asset that often represents real-world objects like a ticket to an event or a piece of artwork. NFTs hold value through their utility or the realworld/metaverse applicational value that comes with the NFT. They are typically bought with cryptocurrency and can be resold in marketplaces where they are bought.

2 Where are NFTs purchased?

NFT are purchased on marketplaces/platforms connected to a blockchain. Altur NFTs will be sold in the popular market referred to as OpenSea. OpenSea is a decentralized marketplace for purchasing and selling Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). Similar to marketplaces like eBay and Amazon, all of OpenSea’s products are unique digital collectibles that come in the form of an NFT. You can browse our collection by going to OpenSea.io and searching for our project in the search bar or by clicking the link directly from our NFT page.

3How do I purchase an Altur NFT?

Purchase with purpose! To purchase one of our NFTs you must view our collection listed on OpenSea. You can do so directly from our website by clicking on the page titled NFTs and clicking on the display of our NFTs or you can go to OpenSea.io and search for our collection. Once done you’ll have to connect your crypto wallet and make sure you have the appropriate amount of funds in order to mint an Altur NFT.

4What does it mean to “mint” an NFT?

Minting an NFT means converting the digital information that makes up an NFT into an asset on the blockchain. It is essentially the creation process for an NFT and is usually accompanied by minting fees for the user. We recommend always doing your own research before minting an NFT.

5What utilities are included with the purchase of an Altur NFT?

Altur NFT owners, or temporary holders, will have access to a list of utilities including but not limited to giveaways, access to community gatherings and events hosted in popular locations, the opportunity to network with professionals and experts, the actual NFTs themselves which will raise in value over time, and most importantly the opportunity and ability to help the world through the purchase of an Altur NFT. For more information check out our NFT collection roadmap-1 found on our NFT page or by clicking here.


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