Our Company

ALTUR was founded upon the idea that generations of today must help in the fight to preserve Earth for generations that follow. Our company chooses not to solely focus on a single ecological or humanitarian crisis, but rather on the multitude of problematic situations currently occurring on Earth. Through Web3 technology and the sale of our unique NFTs on blockchain-backed platform, our company works to crowdfund the proceeds necessary to undergo ecological restoration and humanitarian aid projects.

Our Mission

To fund and execute ecological restoration and humanitarian aid projects while promoting sustainable practices and solutions to aid in the preservation of Earth.

Our mission here at Altur goes way beyond our tangible capabilities. We realize that there must be a change in the way our species coexists with life on this planet. A major part of our mission and vision for this company involves participating in educating people on the current state of our planet, as well as how we can change the way we think and act to benefit ourselves and the world around us.

Our Vision

A world where people everywhere are aware of the urgent fight to preserve Earth. Our vision for ALTUR is one where the processes of our company funding and executing projects to benefit our planet are facilitated to the maximum degree.

Our company exists to provide positive growth and development on this planet. We envision a lifelong adventure reversing our the effects of our species’ ecological degradation on Earth while providing humanitarian aid to humans all over the world. Altur works to promote and build community with people everywhere supporting positive change on this planet.

Preserving The Earth: A Hopeful Future And What It Will Take

In order to preserve life on this planet, there will need to be collective shift in the conscious ecological mindfulness of humanity. We must come together because the Earth desperately needs our help. Over the course of time, humanity has continued to disregard the health of our planet and the species that inhabit it. There has never been a better and more appropriate time for the myriads of people all around the world to come together and change our ways. As a species, we are at a crossroads, and continuing down the path we are on will no doubt result in the extinction of humanity and many of the lifeforms we know and love. We must be hopeful for the future, and to do so we must think and act differently.

There are multitudes of problems all over the world that have resulted from the behaviors of humanity. The same energy that creates these problems can be used to fix them. Although there are plenty of efforts to help this planet, it is apparent that each of us as individuals play a part in the preservation game and there is more work to be done. The way we think plays a major role in the way we treat our home. Consider the quote “The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it”. May the wise words of Robert Swan echo throughout time for generations to come. May we come together, as one united species consciously connected, and implement the change that our planet weeps for. The time is now. Future generations are relying on us to accomplish what those who came before us failed to do. The sand in the hourglass is disappearing, we must evolve our ways before it is too late.

A Reminder From Our Team:

If you are capable of reading this you are beyond blessed. Take the present moment to consider all that you have and be grateful. Whether we are successful in preserving our planet or not, there is nothing more beautiful than being alive with the opportunity to try. We are all playing the same game connected to everything around us. Everything in the universe is made up of vibrating energy, and we have the power to consciously direct this energy in any way we choose. With these universal laws comes the understanding that we are capable of anything and everything. We truly can save our planet, but only if we come together to do so.


1Why did we start Altur?

Altur was created with the realization that the generations of people living today, and their actions upon this earth, will determine the future for our planet and all the species that inhabit it. Although the rates at which we are destroying our planet are apparent, we believe we must stay hopeful and optimistic about the future. We must interact with one another sharing love, compassion, empathy, and an overall sense of gratitude for everything we have including our beautiful home. Our company seeks to use NFT and blockchain technology to assist in the preservation of our planet. To us, there is truly nothing else to do.

2 Where are NFTs purchased?

NFT are purchased on marketplaces/platforms connected to a blockchain. ALTUR NFTs will be sold in the popular market referred to as OpenSea. Opensea is a decentralized marketplace for purchasing and selling Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). Similar to marketplaces like eBay and Amazon, all of OpenSea’s products are unique digital collectibles that come in the form of an NFT. You can browse our collection by going to OpenSea.io and searching for our project in the search bar or by clicking the link directly from our NFT page.

3Why do we believe NFTs are the future?

As web3 continues to gain more acceptance globally and gains adoption among enterprises, NFTs will revolutionize the future of the decentralized internet. We’ve already seen the technology installed into areas including real estate, content creation, gaming, online communities, concerts and sporting event tickets, and more. They will serve as protected assets to communicate who you are, your interests, the communities you are a part of, etc. in your everyday life.

4What would we be doing if we were not dedicated to serving our planet?

The truth is we don't know. Every one of us here at Altur believes we have found our calling and purpose. We realize how urgent the fight to save our planet really is and will do everything we can as a company to contribute.


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